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CASPA 2024 Board of Directors Election Announcement

CASPA 2024 Board of Directors Election Announcement 

Dear CASPA members,


CASPA has grown stronger and more influential in the US with your membership and continuing support. The success of CASPA depends solely on the unselfish devotion of volunteer members. One opportunity to make a difference to the community and even enhance your professional career is to become a member of Board of Directors (BOD).   According to CASPA’s Bylaw, the CASPA BODs shall have the control and management of the affairs and business of CASPA.  At the same time, they are expected to commit to perform their assigned duties, as well as participate and contribute CASPA events in their terms.


Each year, CASPA will elect around half of its BODs at the annual meeting. There will be about 10 seats of Directors open to be elected in the upcoming annual conference to be held on Oct. 19, 2024. All eligible candidates are encouraged to apply for these 10 BOD seats and run for the BOD during the annual conference. The candidates who received the top 10 highest number of votes will get 2-year BOD seats, and serve CASPA in a 2-year term; the next 3 highest votes in a successive order after the “lowest vote” of the 2-year BODs will serve CASPA in a 1-year Non-voting BOD.


To be qualified as a candidate for the BOD election, you have to be an active individual member with at least six months of membership. If you are interested and meet the qualification, please email your application with the following info to [email protected]. Please use the title of “2024 CASPA BOD Election” for your email,

  1. Your full name,
  2. Company name and job title, and
  3. Your “significant experiences and areas of contributions in your profession” with no more than 100 words.

The deadline for submitting your application to the 2024 BOD election is Sep. 30 2024. Our “BOD election committee” will verify your qualifications and get in touch with you after your submission.


Best regards,


CASPA BOD Election Committee
Chinese American Semiconductor Professional Association (CASPA)