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CIE-SF 2019 40th Annual Conference

Time: 2/23/2019 13:00pm-17:30pm (Sat.)

Venue: Santa Clara Convention Center- 5001 Great America Pkwy, Santa Clara, CA 95054


The theme of CIE 2019 annual conference is the Inspiration. Our renowned guest speakers will talk about the technology trend, their career stories, and most importantly, the turning point at which they were inspired.

Afternoon Session

We are honored to have executives from giant companies, venture capitals, and startup mentors to share their insights and inspirations:

Mr. Shuhong Ye, Co-Founder and CFO, Meituan Dianping 美团点评

Mr. Jimmy Lu, JD, Managing Director, WI Harper Group

Ms. Lisa Duerre, CEO of RLD Group

Mr. Alireza Masrour, General Partner, Plug & Play Ventures

Dr. Limin Hu, Co-Founder and CTO of Ellie Mae (玉山科技协会)

Mr. Rich Redelfs, Chairman of ACCO and Trustee of Computer History Museum

In this event, you’ll have the rare chance to hear the journey of the speakers making critical decisions in career or for family. They’ll share how they do the personal development and discuss how to cope with the diversified environment in job and life in Silicon Valley. The speakers will share personal stories through their short talks. They’ll further carry out pair-dialogue, Q&A, and interactive panel to answer the questions from the audience. You can ask the questions regarding industries, technologies, investment, startup, etc.

We are hiring volunteers to help 2019 AC event!   

You will be helping registration logistics for half or whole day event. In addition, you get to increase your social networking!

Let us know if you are interested:

Sign up for 2019 AC volunteers

CIE-SF Coming Events:

[2/23] CIE-SF 2019 40th Annual Conference – Inspiration Event Update

[3/6] Biological and Emerging Technologies – Biometrics, with Focus on Gait Recognition​

[CIE-SF 2019 Annual Conference Volunteer] Join our volunteer team to help!

[E4E Program] Improve your public speaking and presentation

[CIE-SF Video Gallery] We have video links to some of our recent events ready for sharing.

CIESF20171205 Jake Chuang – Tall Tales and Reality of Brain Tech, and What Can an Engineer Do Today to Exploit this Burgeoning Field?

CIESF20170718 CK Chou – Why are people worried about radio frequency exposures?

CIESF20171216 Andy Lee – 從中醫的觀點看三高的預防與治療

CIESF20180210 Soft-Skill VI Self Advocacy Kristin Vincenzo

CIESF20180210 Soft-Skill VI: Become a Master Presenter Tracey Gordon

[Jobs opening] Link of jobs opening

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