Event Video: https://youtu.be/VUXi5X3AtxA
Date: Saturday, July 25th, 2020
Time: 1:00 pm to 6:10 pm
Venue: Online Zoom Meeting
Join Zoom Meeting: https://zoom.us/j/92034549374
Meeting ID: 920 3454 9374
Registration link: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/caspa-2020-summer-symposium-tickets-113574390058
Proceeding: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1nSpL7NwBlUKgHJ6AwMeCx0ryY3sbV4i0/view?usp=sharing

Letter from the Head of Symposium
Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, people have to work remotely and keep social distance. It leads to great behavior changes to human societies. In the meantime, it creates great opportunities for automation and artificial intelligence (AI), as well as cloud and data center applications. In this year’s CASPA Summer Symposium, we invite honorable speakers to shed lights on design components, tools to improve automation, AI, cloud computing, as well as semiconductor development for combating pandemic.
This event is brought to CASPA members by our team. We wish that by attending this Symposium, you will see the value CASPA brings to the semiconductor professional communities, and keep track of latest technological innovation in the field of Automation, AI, Cloud and Data Center
Tentative Agenda:
12:30 pm – 1:00 pm Dial-in Zoom & Networking
1:00 pm – 1:05 pm Introduction of CASPA Summer Symposium, Dr. Tony Xia
1:05 pm – 1:15 pm Welcome from CASPA chairman, Dr. Song Xue
1:15 pm – 1:50 pm Dr. Naveed Sherwani, President and CEO, SiFive
Open Semiconductor Innovation in the AIOT Age
1:50 pm – 2:25 pm Dr. Ron Ho, Senior Director, Facebook
2:25 pm – 3:00 pm Dr. David Pan, Professor of ECE Dept., UT Austin
AI for IC and IC for AI
3:00 pm – 3:35 pm Dr. Babak Taheri, CEO, Silvaco
Challenges and Opportunities for Global Semiconductor Businesses
3:35 pm – 4:10 pm Frank Schirrmeister, Senior Director, Cadence
Digital Twins in the Era of Hyperscale Computing
4:10 pm – 4:45 pm Dr. Kailiang Chen, Vice President, Butterfly Network
Personal Ultrasound, its technologies, and COVID-19
4:45 pm – 5:45 pm Panel Session: COVID-19 and Impact to Society
– Innovation & Opportunities for Semiconductor Industry
– Dennis Donohue, Former Mayor, Salinas – Salad Bowl of the World;
Director of Center of Agriculture Innovation, Western Growers Association
– David Gossack, Principal, Five Hills Global Strategies
– Jody Liu, Head of Solvency Risk Control, Santander USA
– David Rowe, President, David M. Rowe Risk Advisory
Moderator: Yulin Xu, CEO, Olixus Inc
6:00 pm – 6:10 pm Closing Remark

Naveed Sherwani
President and CEO, SiFive
Speech title: Open Semiconductor Innovation in the AIOT Age
In this keynote, Dr. Naveed Sherwani, CEO of SiFive, will share with you some of the tectonic shifts that are happening in thee semiconductor industry, but technologically and geopolitically, and how CASPA members are well positioned to succeed, taking advantage of the unique opportunities in both North America and greater China.
In a post-COVID world, two nascent technologies are set to become the driving forces behind the next technological revolution: 5G and AIoT. Artificial Intelligence of Things (AIoT) aims to free us human beings from manually controlling devices by allowing them to learn our habits and tell each other how and when they should function from the large amount of data they collect and analyze. In an increasingly data-centric world, the industry will experience even more growth with the worldwide adoption of 5G which will deliver higher speeds with much more capacity to support networks of connected devices.
Rapid semiconductor innovation is needed to power 5G and AIOT technological revolution, and the open source RISC-V ISA is making it easier for companies to develop custom AIoT processors optimized for cutting-edge workloads like AI and machine learning with new generation of connectivity options.
Dr. Naveed Sherwani brings over 30 years of entrepreneurial, engineering, and management experience to his role as Chairman, President and CEO of SiFive. Naveed also serves as the Chairman of StarFive, SemiFive, and LeapFive. Naveed has founded or co-founded nine companies including Open Silicon and Brite Semiconductor. He has led over 300 tapeouts throughout his career. He received his Ph.D. from the University of Nebraska-Lincoln and, prior to entering the semiconductor industry, was a professor at Western Michigan University, where his research focused on ASICs, EDA, Combinatorics, graph algorithms and parallel computing. Naveed has authored several books and over 100 articles on various aspects of VLSI Physical Design Automation and ASICs

Ron Ho
Director, Facebook
Speech title: AR/VR
Dr. Ron Ho started his career at Intel in the early 1990s, working on the 486, Pentium, Pentium II, and Itanium III processors over a ten-year period. He spent a second decade at Sun Microsystems and later Oracle, developing on- and off-chip IO technologies as well as DRAM-centric workload accelerators. In 2014 he went to Altera (later Intel) to play with off-chip transceivers — serdes, DDR, and 2.5D IOs — and shipped these with 20nm and 14nm FPGAs. In 2018 he moved to Facebook, where he is currently Director of Silicon Engineering, focusing on custom silicon chips for Augmented and Virtual Reality. Ron earned his Ph.D. from Stanford University.

David Z. Pan
Prof. UT Austin
Speech Title: AI for IC and IC for AI
The recent artificial intelligence (AI) boom has been largely driven by three confluence forces: algorithms, big data, and computing power enabled by modern integrated circuits (ICs) including specialized AI accelerators. In this talk, I will present a synergistic approach on AI and intelligent IC/accelerator designs with two main themes, AI for IC and IC for AI. As the semiconductor technology enters the era of extreme scaling, IC design and manufacturing complexities are becoming extremely high. More intelligent and agile IC design technologies are needed than ever to optimize performance, power, area, manufacturability, reliability, security, etc., and to deliver equivalent scaling to Moore’s Law. I will present some recent results leveraging modern AI and machine learning advancement with domain-specific customizations for agile IC design and manufacturing closure. Meanwhile, customized IC can drastically improve AI performance and energy efficiency by orders of magnitude. I will present the hardware/software co-design for energy-efficient neural networks. The bidirectional reinforcement of AI and IC technologies holds great potential to significantly advance the state-of-the-art of each other.
David Z. Pan received his BS degree in Physics from Peking University and his MS/PhD degrees in Computer Science from UCLA. From 2000 to 2003, he was a Research Staff Member with the IBM T. J. Watson Research Center. He is an Engineering Foundation Professor at the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, University of Texas at Austin. He is also currently a Visiting Professor/Scientist at MIT EECS/MTL. His research interests include bidirectional AI and IC interaction, cross-layer design for manufacturability, reliability, security, CAD for analog/mixed-signal designs and emerging technologies. He has published over 350 refereed journal/conference papers and 8 US patents. He has served in many journal editorial boards and conference committees, including various leadership roles. He is the ACM/SIGDA Award Chair.
He has received 17 Best Paper Awards and 13 additional Best Paper Award nominations. He is a Fellow of IEEE and SPIE.

Dr. Babak Taheri
CEO, Silvaco Inc.
Speech Title: Challenges and Opportunities for Global Semiconductor Businesses
In this talk, I will discuss the major trends and challenges facing semiconductor businesses, including dealing with the COVID-19 crisis, trade tensions, what we have learned, and how the new situation affects the market. Different segments including Automotive, IoT, Memory, 5G networks, Security and Displays will be covered.
Babak Taheri is the CEO at Silvaco Inc., a leading provider of TCAD, EDA, and design IP software. He began his career at Silvaco as chief technical officer and executive vice-president of products. Previously, he was the CEO / president of IBT working with investors, private equity firms, and startups on M&A, technology, and business diligence. Prior to IBT, he was the VP & GM of the sensor solutions division at Freescale semiconductor (now NXP).
Babak was the recipient of ”the perfect project award” in 2003 while at Cypress; Twice recipient of the “Diamond Chip Award” in 2013 /14 while at Freescale; recipient of the MEMS & Sensors executive of the year award in 2014, and in 2015 was the recipient of the Distinguished Engineering Alumni Medal from UC. Davis College of Engineering, where he is on the advisory board to the college.
He also held VP/GM roles at Cypress Semiconductors, Invensense (now TDK) and key roles at SRI International and Apple. He received his Ph.D. in biomedical engineering from UC Davis with majors in EECS and Neurosciences, has over 20 published articles, and holds 28 issued patents.

Frank Schirrmeister
Senior Group Director at Cadence
Speech Title: Digital Twins in the Era of Hyperscale Computing
As the electronics industry is entering an unprecedented era of hyperscale computing, domain specific architectures and domain specific languages enabling “More than Moore” developments are a must for efficient implementations of Systems on Chips, Systems and Systems of Systems. This presentation will review the journey of data from sensors in end devices through next generation networks, to storage and hyperscale datacenter processing. It will analyze implementation requirements and discuss key trends trends like “Digital Twins” for use in pre-silicon development and verification, early product bring-up and their applications throughout the product lifecycle.
Frank Schirrmeister is a Senior Group Director at Cadence, leading a team translating customer challenges in the vertical domains of hyperscale, communications, consumer, automotive, aerospace/defense, industrial and health into specific requirements and solutions. His team focuses on cross-product technical solutions such as 5G, artificial intelligence, machine learning, safety, security, digital twins, as well as key partner collaborations with Arm, Green Hills Software, and National Instruments. Frank holds a Dipl.-Ing. in Electrical Engineering from the Technical University of Berlin, Germany. Prior to joining Cadence, Frank held senior engineering and product management positions in embedded software, semiconductor and system development, both in Europe and the United States.

Kailiang Chen
VP, Butterfly Network
Speech title: Personal Ultrasound, its technologies, and COVID-19
As a step-up from the 200-year-old stethoscope, a point-of-care ultrasound imaging device provides a window into the human body without any ionizing radiation. At the heart of such a device is a highly-integrated semiconductor chip, which is the key enabler of the compact form factor, the high bandwidth for multi-modal versatility, and the low power consumption.
This talk presents the Butterfly iQTM ultrasound probe, its Ultrasound-on-ChipTM technology and the accompanying artificial intelligence. It is the first FDA cleared and CE approved, “one probe, whole body imaging” medical ultrasound device, that directly plugs into a smart phone, and at a 50-fold lower price tag than existing solutions. iQTM is currently playing a critical role in the world’s battle against COVID-19.
Kailiang Chen received the B.S. degree in Electrical Engineering with highest honors from Tsinghua University, China, in 2007, and the S.M. and Ph.D. degrees in Electrical Engineering and Computer Science from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, in 2009 and 2014, respectively. Since 2014, he has been the Vice President of ASIC Design at Butterfly Network, Inc., where he led the development of the “ultrasound on a chip”, its integration into the product, and the production ramp.
Panel: COVID-19 and Impact to Society – Innovation & Opportunities for the Semiconductor Industry
Panel Moderator:

Yulin Xu
CEO, Olixus Inc
Yulin is CEO of Olixus Inc, an enterprise strategy SaaS category leader. Most recently, Yulin led Olixus Medical team through FDA’s Notification Path and EUA Path on its antibody testing kits R&D, manufacturing and distribution worldwide, in response to the national crisis with respect to the serious shortage of critical COVID-19 testing kits! This experience significantly broadened her understanding of the public health protection.
In the early 90s, Yulin developed the first risk management software at Bank of America. In her most recent role as Adjunct Faculty at Department of Entrepreneurship and Innovation at the School of Management, University of San Francisco, she taught and led MGEM ( Master of Global Entrepreneurship and Management ) students on many global business projects.
As a member of the Board of CASPA, a business leader, a technologist, an accomplished writer of 2 books in the area of optimal health, and an educator, Yulin is passionate about technology innovation to Change the World, from Here!
Panel Speaker 1:

Dennis Donohue
Director, Center of Agriculture Innovation, Western Growers’ Association
Former Mayor, Salinas – Salad Bowl of the World
Food Safety
Food Safety is key to our existence. Mayor Donohue’s expertise in driving agriculture innovation to meet the needs of protecting public health, especially during COVID-19 pandemic, is crucial!
Day to day crop growing operational challenges in the field, optimal coordination of soil, water, nutrients during different stages as crops mature, pest control, harvesting, transportation, supply chain management to preserve the most nutritional value from the field to the table – every step of the way is the result of diligent working farmers and essential workers who work hard to bring food to our tables! Understanding and appreciating the agriculture industry is essential in feeding the world! “No Hunger” is SDG’s number one goal!
In what ways do agriculture businesses struggle the most? What innovations would help? Mayor Donohue will bring us his perspectives! Impressive perspectives from a History major from USF!
Panel Speaker 2:

David Gossack
Principal, Five Hills Global Strategies
COVID19 Impact on US-Asia Relations
Five Hills Global Strategies is an international business and government affairs consultancy based in Washington, DC. The firm provides advisory services to US and foreign firms, associations and individuals on navigating the increasingly complex and important impact of US government policy, regulations and legislation on the cross-border movement of goods, technology and people and in adjusting business operations. Five Hills advises clients on expansion in Asia and assists foreign firms on developing inbound investment into the US, including assisting SME and start-up firms on initial entry. David was VP for Asia at the U.S. Chamber of Commerce, and served as President of the U.S.-Japan Business Council (USJBC) and President of the U.S.-Korea Business Council (USKBC). David spent 24 years in Asia as one of America’s most senior commercial diplomats, leading commercial and policy engagement for American business interests in Asia. He also worked in the U.S. Senate, Executive Office of the President and a boutique international law firm. David is a native of San Jose.
Panel Speaker 3:

Jody Liu
SantanderUSA Head of Solvency Risk Control
From Bank Stress Test to Health Care System Stress Test
Banking industry risk management has matured a great deal in the past 30 years. What kinds of lessons can we learn from Stress Tests adopted by banks globally? Jody has unique insights!
Jody is currently Head of Solvency Risk Control at SantanderUSA. Prior to this role, she was VP of Credit Risk Management at Wells Fargo, Financial Service Consulting Manager at KPMG, and VP of Credit Risk Management at JPMorgan Chase! Jody fluently speaks Italian, Spanish and Mandarin and earned a BA/MA in International Sciences at Universita’ di Bologna, and MA in International Trade and Investment / Banking and Finance from The George Washington University.
Panel Speaker 4:

David M. Rowe
President of David M. Rowe Risk Advisory
Author of “A Practical Guide to Risk Management
Former EVP & Director of Research, Townsend & Greenspan Co, Economic Consulting Co, run by Alan Greenspan
Modern Risk Management Transformation by Innovative Information Technology
How do we use the Black Swan theory and its applications in managing financial risks to expand its application beyond just the financial world? Why would traditional encoding of the information that was popular in the financial world turn out to be limiting instead of liberating in the context of big data and Artificial Intelligence? What can we learn from the mature risk management model to apply in helping solve health care risks we experienced in this pandemic? Let’s hear how Dave’s wisdom can guide us to Think Different! Change the World, from Here!