Date And Time
Thu, June 6, 2019
6:30 PM – 9:30 PM PDT
ITRI International Inc.
2870 Zanker Road # 140
San Jose, CA 95134

Dr HP Chou received his MS and PhD degrees from University of Southampton, U.K. He worked at Chen-Kung University (Taiwan), then UTSI, Tennessee, AVCO Research Lab., Everett, MA., and Textron Systems Corp., Wilmington, MA., and has more than 30 years of R&D experience in wide range of lasers and electro-optics: laser and lasers system research, design and development; modeling and experimenting laser and nonlinear optical systems; development of cooling techniques for high power intra-cavity AO modulator; design and development of ultra-efficient and compact diamond cooled SS laser under DARPA sponsored program; design and development of laser radar (Lidar)) systems under NASA’s LAWS program (satellite Lidar device) and FLD ground base laser radar system contracted by Air Force. He has published more than 30 papers and owned three patents.