Joie Hua, 华久怡
Father: Chiwei Hua
Mother: Kaiyu Ren
Home School

Christopher Lin, 林鈺佑
Father: Harrison Lin
Mother: Christina Yu
Archbishop Mitty High School

Kyle Luo, 罗 凯
Father: Eddie Luo
Mother: Yvonne Chen
Mira Loma High School

Lesley Tan, 谭奕苓
Father: Sheldon Tan
Mother: Yan Ye
Phillips Academy Andover

Alice Feng, 冯宇致
Father: Hanying Feng
Mother: Qian Zhao
The Harker School

Joe Lin, 林健智
Father: Nengtan Lin
Mother: Shiu-wen Wu
Lynbrook High School

Ethan Ling, 林尤均
Father: Hong Keow Ling
Mother: Donna Ling
Homestead High School

Lucas Chen,
Father: Jerry Chen
Mother: Hengyu Chao
The Harker School