Investors know what investors are looking for—especially the key components that make a company attractive for investments. Most entrepreneurs who are looking for funding, know their craft well, but not the full perspective of the investor-decision-maker on the other side of the desk.
Young companies get one or two chances with investors.
You must get it right fast!
We offer you to work one-on-one with an investor to get your business model, financial plans, capital structure, and the whole pitch foundation, your investment stance, and all of your presentations in their best form—to start or revitalize your funding endeavor.
This program is made up of 60% one on one meetings with a designated investor and 40% of meetings with panels of investors.
We are experts! Since 2001 VC Taskforce has been supporting investors and entrepreneurs. We’ve gained much knowledge having given pitch events for over 10 years along with 20+ conferences and 100+ workshops for investors and startups.
WE ARE CLOSELY CONNECTED TO THE INVESTMENT COMMUNITY. We KNOW why companies fail to make a connection with investors and want to make sure you don’t make foreseeable, correctable mistakes that would put an end to your goal of raising capital. We can’t guarantee a capital raise but we can bring you much closer to it; In certain cases, all the way to it.
Materials covered:
Business Model Review/ Financial Model Review/ Business Plan Review
Revenue Story/ Profit story/ Valuation Reasoning -What’s in It for The Investor
First Dialogue with An Investor | Elevator Pitch
PowerPoint Pitch | Slide Deck Review
Application fee $250.
If accepted, deductible from the final payment.