Education Talk 2
Date: Aug 1st, 2020
Time: 5:30pm – 7:30pm PDT
Join Zoom Meeting: https://zoom.us/j/99417526989
Meeting ID: 994 1752 6989
Registration: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/2020-caspa-education-talk-2-tickets-115321912946
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Xinning Song,
Executive Director of CASPA Education Day (2013-2019)
XinNing Song hold B.S. in Electrical Engineer & Computer Science degree from University of California of Berkeley, CA. She has been a digital designer for the past 20 years. Currently, she is the director of operations and one of the founding members for PetaIO, Inc, a startup company specializing in enterprise and client SSD controllers. Prior to this, she was a senior manager at SK hynix memory solutions, Inc., where she had managed 35+ people global teams and successfully delivered eMMC SSD controller. During her spare time, she strives to be a life-time volunteer for the community. She had proudly served RotaCare Free Clinic in Mountain View, math tutorial center in Mountain View High School and Shin Shin Educational Foundations. She had been the executive director of CASPA Education Day for few years. Since 2011, she has been actively involved with her children’s education by selecting high quality online educational platforms. She also helped thousands of parents in the community to select and buy learning products for more than four years. This talk is initiated by community members’ request.
Language: English & Chinese (中英双语)
- Effectively talk to children with mutual respect
- How to pick the learning platforms which fit children’s needs (instead of the most expensive ones)
- How to pick as few products as possible so children can focus and build long lasting self learning habits.
- The importance of parents’ involvement in children’s learning
- Demystify homeschooling
- Q&A section.