2021 CASPA Science and Engineering Fair
Class series #4 Workshop:
STEM Research Workshop
Venue: Zoom Video Webinar
Date: Saturday, July 17, 2021
Time: 7:00pm – 8:00pm PDT
Zoom Meeting ID: 856 4285 7073
Registration: https://caspa-2021-sef-ivymax.eventbrite.com
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Dr. Garbin is the Associate Director of Academic Affairs in Southern California for Ivymax. She received her Bachelors of Arts in Psychology from NYU and then went on to receive her Ph.D. in Integrative and Evolutionary Biology from USC. She has been teaching speech and debate for the past ten plus years and has been coaching Parliamentary debate for the past 5 years. She has worked with children ranging from elementary school all the way to high school. Dr. Garbin believes that speech and debate classes are the best gift a parent can give their children. Not only does speech and debate improve a student’s ability to communicate effectively, it also develops skills in research, critical thinking and organization. Participation in speech and debate also builds confidence, improves writing skills and adds breadth to a students knowledge base. Dr. Garbin enjoys working with younger students because of these invaluable skills they will gain and the long term impact they will have on each child’s success in both academia and their personal lives.
This presentation is going to help students explore their interests and how to turn them into a good science fair project. Specifically, we will evaluate the difference between “testable questions” and general interest science questions. Additionally, we will discuss the various methodologies that are appropriate for the different types of stem research: chemistry, biology, psychology, physics, environmental science, etc. In addition, we will provide pointers on how to best present your research via posters, videos and physical propts. All of these topics will be covered using videos and ppts. As a bonus, we will provide inside information on what judges are looking for in terms of scoring individual/group projects.