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Donation to help the fight against COVID-19 in China

Dear CASPA members, sponsors, and friends,

When you are on this page, you are standing with us as well as all the people in China who are fighting the Coronavirus. Your contribution and donation are very crucial for saving lives. Please join us to help and support the people who are working on the frontline of the war against Coronavirus. We would like to thank you in advance for your contributions and efforts. 


If you wish to make a monetary donation, you can either make your payment by clicking the Donate button below (via PayPal), or send your checks to:


CASPA, 1159 Sonora Court, Suite 105, Sunnyvale, CA 94086


Your donations are tax deductible. In addition, you can check whether your company has any donation matching projects.

If you would like to obtain the tax ID and the receipt for your donations, please send a request to CASPA (Email: [email protected]; phone: 408-940-4600) with your return email address.

If you wish to donate materials, please contact CASPA via email, phone or mail (see above).

For any technical issues, please contact [email protected]