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[GMSV] How to talk to Anyone – 92 Little Tricks for Big Success in Relationship

Time: 6/25/2020 20:00pm-21:30pm PST (Thu.)

Venue: Zoom Meeting


Good Morning Silicon Valley閱讀看世界是由兩位資深媒體人李喬琚(Maggie Li)和鄭琇文(Michelle Cheng)聯合主持製播的讀書會,利用無遠弗屆的網際網路,以閱讀連結世界。藉由訪談與線上互動,探討與分享各大領域書籍之心得,從GMSV平台出發,串連舊金山灣區以至各地廣大華人社群,沒有時空限制,以書會友,一起讀好書。歡迎加入Good Morning,Silicon Valley facebook群組 。

一本意外爆紅的書,是很多的人都想學書中的精萃。「跟任何人都可以聊得來( How to talk to anyone: 92 Little Tricks for Big Success in Relationships)」就是這樣的一本書。本次Good Morning Silicon Valley有幸邀請到把本書推向華人世界的李茲文化總編輯吳玟琪,談談如何在說完「哈囉!」之後,跟任何人都能聊得來。


跟任何人都可以聊得來原著作者朗德絲 (Leil Lowndes) 為國際知名的人際溝通權威,她觀察入微,從許多經驗中,粹鍊許多溝通技巧, 本書為誠品年度跨領域暢銷排行榜冠軍、誠品書店5年(2011-2016)評選全台最賣大書第4名,其他入榜包括博客來、紀伊國屋書店、金石堂等。

不論您身為工程師、行銷,管理職, 不論在職場,家庭和其他場合都需要和不同的人溝通無礙,本次活動感謝美洲中國工程師學會和北加州中國學校聯合參與協辦。

Good Morning, Silicon Valley (GMSV) – Reading the World is one of GMSV Channel’s programs. We like to connect people around the world through reading. On our kick off event, we handpick “How to talk to Anyone – 92 Little Tricks for Big Success in Relationships”, which has been one of the top sellers for years. The art of verbal communication is a key to lead you to earn love, happiness and respect in the business world, in your lovely family, and in your friends circle. We would like to bring you the opportunity to meet with the Editor-in-Chief of the book in Chinese version , Irene Wu, who will share with us the core value of the way to talk!

Special Thanks to Chinese Institute of Engineers-San Francisco Chapter (CIE-SF), and American North California Chinese Schools (ANCCS) for co-organizing the event. No matter if you are an engineer, marketing professional, executive, no matter if you are in the office or with family, communication skill is always the key to success.