Early-stage Financing and Immigration Laws/H1B for Startups
Date: Feb 27, 2021 Sat. 1:30pm – 3:30pm
Registration: click here!
Zoom link: https://zoom.us/j/95204392417
Meeting ID: 952 0439 2417
1:30pm – 1:40pm Welcome Remark
1:40pm – 1:50pm CASPA Introduction by Xiaodong Zhang, President of CASPA
1:50pm – 2:30pm Convertible Note/SAFE in connection with early-stage financing of a start-up – Mandy Lai, Founding Partner, MagStone Law LLP
2:30pm – 3:10pm Immigrations laws for start-ups and H1B
– Lihua Tan, Partner and Senior Immigration Attorney, Chugh LLP
3:10pm – 3:30pm Q/A

Mandy Lai 赖萌律师 , Founding Partner创始合伙人, MagStone Law LLP(牧诚律师事务所)
Seminar Title:
Convertible Note/SAFE in connection with early-stage financing of a start-up
Early-stage financing may take the form of preferred stock equity financing or convertible financing. What is convertible note? Why would some start-ups prefer a convertible note financing? What are discount ratio and valuation cap? You may also have heard about SAFEs. Are they the same as convertible notes? Why would some start-ups prefer SAFEs as compared to convertible notes? What are the major negotiation points for start-ups and for investors in a convertible/note SAFE financing? Additionally, a shadow series of preferred stock may be created in connection with the conversion of the convertible notes/SAFEs to avoid double dipping. What is a shadow series and what is the double dipping? The MagStone team will provide you with insights into these questions during the seminar.
Speaker Bio:
Ms. Lai is a seasoned corporate attorney, with over a decade of experience in representing U.S. and Chinese public and private companies and financial institutions in connection with a variety of M&A, joint venture, venture financing, and capital market transactions.
Prior to founding MagStone Law, Ms. Lai worked for Davis Polk & Wardwell LLP in its New York, Hong Kong and Menlo Park offices, and for Sullivan & Cromwell LLP in its Hong Kong office.
Ms. Lai received her L.L.B (Honored Graduate) from Peking University Law School and her LL.M. (James Kent Scholar) from Columbia University School of Law. Ms. Lai speaks English, Mandarin, and Hakka.
Ms. Lai is admitted to practice in California and New York, and she is also qualified to practice in the P.R. China.
创办牧诚律师事务所前,赖律师任职于美国著名的达维律师事务所 (Davis Polk & Wardwell LLP),先后在其纽约、香港和硅谷办公室工作多年。在此前,赖律师任职于美国苏利文克伦威尔律师事务所香港办公室。 赖律师2002年本科毕业于北京大学法学院,获优秀毕业生称号,2007年LL.M. 毕业于美国哥伦比亚大学法学院,获其最高的学术奖励 James Kent Scholar。赖萌律师母语为普通话、客家话,工作语言为中文和英文。

Lihua Tan, Partner and Senior Immigration Attorney, Chugh LLP
Seminar Title: Immigrations Laws for start-ups and H1B
Abstract: In this seminar, Ms. Tan will cover the following topics:
• Can a US nonimmigrant visa holder start a startup company in US?
• How much funding is needed for a startup to sponsor H-1B visas and Green Card applications?
• The impact of COVID-19 on startups’ immigration filings;
• Special immigration issues in mergers, acquisitions, and other company structural changes;
• FY2022 H-1B Cap registration update;
• DOL new prevailing wage rule update;
• Public Charge rule update;
• Emergency visa appointment for H-1B and L-1 visa holders affected by President Proclamation 10052;
• Other new immigration policy updates.
Speaker Bio:
Ms. Lihua Tan is a Partner and Senior Immigration Attorney at the Silicon Valley office of Chugh, LLP. She is specialized in immigration and international practice and has more than 15 years of extensive experience in counseling clients on all matters of US immigration and nationality law. Her corporate clients range from startups to multi-national enterprises. She also conducts immigration compliance audits, provides due diligence consultation on immigration issues in mergers, acquisitions, and takeovers.
本次讲座会讨论初创公司在非移民及移民签证申请中遇到的特殊问题:例如在美国的非移民签证持有人可不可以成立初创公司;公司需要有多少资金才能为员工申请H-1B签证 及绿卡;COVID-19对初创公司移民申请的影响;公司并兼购中的移民法问题。还会讨论移民局2月5日公布的2022财政年度 H-1B配额抽签程序;劳工部新的最低薪水规定的进展;公共负担法规适用的最新动向及其他移民政策的最新变化及预测等。