Can you afford to meet low latency 5G use cases, or rather, can you afford not to? A new look at a critical topic.

To unlock the next phase of 5G business opportunities, operators must meet the demands of customers in industry verticals and business.
Many of these demands rely on the unique capability of 5G networks to meet low latency requirements. Operators must therefore understand the requirements of enterprise and business customer and how to invest in the right network technology to meet those demands.
Revealing exclusive results of a survey of industry verticals and service providers from leading analyst Caroline Gabriel of Rethink Technology Research, and drawing on ground-breaking expertise from AccelerComm and Xilinx, this webinar will explore the 5G use cases and applications that industry verticals are most interested in, how those use cases relate to network latency requirements; and how operators can ensure their networks have the capability to meet those requirements
Registration link (click)
What you will learn:
The revenue-raising potential of 5G’s low latency capability
The most important use cases and applications according to industry verticals
The capabilities and technology investments each of those would require
The key ways in which 5G delivers lower latencies than other Gs
How operators are preparing to deliver low latency 5G services
How to design low latency capability into the network – and where
Bonus takeaway:
All attendees will receive a complimentary copy of an exclusive white paper examining industry and service provider attitudes to 5G services, including industry survey results, from Rethink Research.
Host: Keith Dyer, Editor, The Mobile Network
Caroline Gabriel, Research Director, Rethink Technology Research:
Caroline will reveal brand new findings of market research into operator and vertical plans for low latency 5G use cases
Professor Rob Maunder, CTO, AccelerComm:
Will explain how ground-breaking technology can enhance spectral efficiency and reduce latency in the 5G radio network.