Alliances and Sponsors


04 Sep: SEMI Strategic Materials Conference (SMC) 2021: “MATERIALS INNOVATION FOR THE NEXT DECADE”

Sep 27, 2021 | The Strategic Materials Conference—SMC attracts an influential audience from every segment of the semiconductor manufacturing industry. The event offers comprehensive in-depth content and unprecedented networking opportunities for professionals who share common strategic objectives for the extended electronics ecosystem.


05 Jun: AAEOY Talent Meetup / Career Fair

Jun 5, 2021 | Theme: “Effective job application during and post pandemic!” About this event AAEOY Career Fair sponsors include Boeing, IBM, AT&T, US Army Corps of Engineers, TSMC, Caltrans, CSI, Graphen, Sine Draco. The NPO CareerUp Club also joins with high-tech hiring managers from Google, Amazon, Facebook, Microsoft, etc. They bring job openings to AAEOY Career Fair for intern, entry level, professional level and executive; in the event they’ll share the advice from HR and hiring manager with the…