

29 Aug: Game of 5G – History, Real Situation, Future and Conflict

Aug 29, 2020 | Event time: 1:30 PM – 2:30 PDT Join Zoom Meeting: Meeting ID: 938 8720 4294 Abstract: In this keynote speech, Dai Hui (Steve Dai), an information technology researcher, will share with you a breif history of mobile communication, the reality and the future of 5G, and where the conflict between the two may originate. Based on lessons learned from 3G, we have come to know that for 5G, it’s imperative for the world to build the same specifications, and develop the…


22 Aug: [CABS] Contact Tracing and Control of COVID-19 Community Spread

Aug 22, 2020 | The COVID‑19 pandemic, is an ongoing global pandemic caused by severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS‑CoV‑2). As of August 10th, 2020, approximately 20.1 million confirmed COVID-19 cases, and more than seven hundred thousand deaths had been attributed to COVID-19 worldwide. The COVID-19 pandemic has caused global social and economic disruption, including the largest global recession since the Great Depression. As the world reopens, we continue to face challenges in controlling…


16 Aug: [BCF] 迈进高管和董事阶层的职场成功秘诀

Aug 16, 2020 | 是否,你的学生生涯风生水起,却在职场上平平无奇? 是否,你在工作岗位起早贪黑,却对工资条愤愤不平? 是否,你对项目任务勤勤恳恳,却感到工位岌岌可危? 是否,你见你的同事无所作为,却见Ta一日九迁,Offer不断? 强大的专业知识是你学习及职场中的必需品,它可以引领你进入优秀的A+院校。而在职场,仅有业务能力,你将遇到瓶颈难以登顶。 如果想实现职场上的突破,晋升到高管和董事阶层,请跟随成功者学习吧! 徐玲博士,华人在美国职场发展的佼佼者,具有多年的在Stanford讲授相关课程的经验,她将亲自剖析职场成功的秘诀。 无论你是志向高远的年轻人,还是身处企业中层人士,还是想指导孩子职业发展的家长,这次讲座将让你受益深远! 企业高管享受优厚的薪酬,工作自主性高,享有受人尊敬的社会地位。了解企业高层的规则,也能为自己孩子的职业发展提供宝贵的见解,帮助他们更快地晋升。 您知道通往职业高峰的路径吗?您想变得远见卓识,并有机会带领一支庞大的团队吗?您想与公司高层互动并向他们学习吗?您想要建立人脉网络,助您获得利润丰厚的项目吗?… … 请报名参加我们的公益讲座,徐玲博士将为你分享职场成功的秘诀,…

29 Jul: [VCT] OFFICE HOUR WORKSHOP-Going Global & Thriving in a time of Chaos

Jul 29, 2020 | Date: July 29, 2020 : Registration link Agenda 10AM: Workshop Begins Q&A Submit questions during registration Submit questions in writing during the program 12PM Program ends Gary will share his personal experience navigating difficult times. He will discuss a few things to consider integrating into your daily business operations that can help your company triumph in times of crisis. Find out what a…


25 Jul: 2020 CASPA Summer Symposium-Automation, Artificial Intelligence, Cloud Computing under Pandemic

Jul 25, 2020 | Event Video: Date: Saturday, July 25th, 2020 Time: 1:00 pm to 6:10 pm Venue: Online Zoom Meeting Join Zoom Meeting: Meeting ID: 920 3454 9374 Registration link: Proceeding: Letter from the Head of Symposium Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, people have to work remotely and keep…


01 Jul: [CIE] An Overview of Brain – Computer Interface (BCI)

Jul 1, 2020 | Time: 7/1/2020 18:30pm-20:00pm PST (Wed.) Venue: Online Event Registration: Tech billionaire Elon Musk recently promised an “awesome’ brain-computer interface technology being built by his side startup Neuralink. “The profound impact of high bandwidth, high precision neural interfaces is underappreciated. Neuralink may have this in a human as soon as this year” . In…



Jun 30, 2020 | Date & Time 时间 Tuesday, June 30th, 2020 6:00pm – 7:00pm PT Wednesday, July 1st, 2020 9:00am – 10:00 am BJ Time 美西时间 2020年6月30日,星期二 下午6点-7点 北京时间 2020年7月1日,星期三 上午9点-10点 The content will be provided in Chinese/English 讲座将会提供中英双语材料 Zoom -Video call details will be provided upon registration approval 视频会议接入信息将在注册批准之后提供 Register Here 註册連結 The two largest economies in the world cannot be decoupled, but the pandemic and bilateral trade tensions are not making things easier. A panel of experts from both…

25 Jun: [GMSV] How to talk to Anyone – 92 Little Tricks for Big Success in Relationship

Jun 25, 2020 | Time: 6/25/2020 20:00pm-21:30pm PST (Thu.) Venue: Zoom Meeting Registration: Good Morning Silicon Valley閱讀看世界是由兩位資深媒體人李喬琚(Maggie Li)和鄭琇文(Michelle Cheng)聯合主持製播的讀書會,利用無遠弗屆的網際網路,以閱讀連結世界。藉由訪談與線上互動,探討與分享各大領域書籍之心得,從GMSV平台出發,串連舊金山灣區以至各地廣大華人社群,沒有時空限制,以書會友,一起讀好書。歡迎加入Good Morning,Silicon Valley facebook群組 。 一本意外爆紅的書,是很多的人都想學書中的精萃。「跟任何人都可以聊得來( How to talk to anyone: 92 Little Tricks for Big Success in…