Click here to register The power semiconductor market is rising thanks to emerging technologies from power devices to power …
Recent News
Time: 1/22/2022 15:00-16:00PM (Sat)Venue: Zoom Meeting Registration: Click Here In this talk, we will talk about modern techniques to compress deep neural…
Time: 1/12/2022 18:00-19:30PM (Wed)Venue: Zoom Meeting Registration: Click Here In this webinar talk, Dr. William Kao will report on what major institutions…
Time: 12/11/2021 15:00-16:00PM (Sat)Venue: Zoom Meeting Registration: Click Here Topic: “Challenge and Response — Thermal and Power Analysis in 3DIC Design” Interested…
RISC-V Summit is less than a month away! Join RISC-V enthusiasts for the biggest RISC-V specific event of the year. The hybrid…
Interviewer: Benny Poon, Senior Manager, Amazon; Board Member, Monte Jade West Sat, November 13, 2021 5:00 PM – 6:30 PM…
CASPA were recently awarded the 2021 U.S. Presidential Volunteer Service GOLD.
10/9/2021: CASPA Scholarship committee is pleased to announce that we have eight new CASPA 2021 scholarship recipients. The winners are…
Jun 06, 2020 | The IEEE Board of Directors named Chenming Hu as the recipient of the – IEEE’s highest medal. The IEEE Foundation sponsors the IEEE Medal of Honor. 2020 IEEE Medal of Honor Hu is the TSMC Distinguished Professor Emeritus, …
Mar 25, 2020 | CASPA donated 350 protection gowns to Santa Clara Valley Medical Center, Kaiser San Jose and Washington Hospital on March 25 2020. Dear CASPA members and friends, The rapidly evolving nature of the COVID-19 pandemic has called upon CASPA and each of you to take action in helping our community to combat the spreading of the virus. Many Bay Area hospitals are currently facing a shortage of medical supplies as they contend with increasing numbers of COVID-19 patients.